CFTROU 0195: Embracing Meaningful Membership
There are numerous aspects to embracing meaningful membership at your neighborhood church. At Family Church, we consider membership a privilege, but it also involves a specific process. This process is designed to guide our members toward God’s design through fellowship, teaching, and accountability within their church family. Today, we’re joined by Pastor Derek Simpson, who serves as the campus pastor for our downtown campus and provides leadership for all our ministry teams across all campuses; Pastor Todd Gaston from the North Stuart campus and regional leader of the Treasure Coast; and Pastor Jose DaSilva, the pastor of Iglesia Familiar Greenacres. Join us as we dive into a discussion on the process and purpose of church membership. With this conversation, we want to encourage listeners, not to simply do what we do, but to build a process, stick with it over time, and begin seeing the fruit of it.
Key Points From This Episode:
- Pastor Derek further unpacks our First Connection tool.
- How we encourage people to attend First Connection.
- Why our number one metric is how many people are coming to First Connection.
- Pastor Derek drills down on what people can expect when coming to First Connection.
- Pastor Jimmy delves into what it takes to become a member at Family Church.
- Pastor Jose’s thoughts on the difference between a member and an attendee.
”First Click To Tweet the family. We open the gate for you.” username= “JoseDaSilva”]“Our Click To Tweet
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Jimmy on X — https://twitter.com/JimmyScroggins
Leslee Bennett on X — https://twitter.com/lesleedbennett
Derek Simpson on X — https://twitter.com/dereksimpson
Todd Gaston on X — https://twitter.com/toddgaston
Jose DaSilva Email — jdasilva@gofamilychurch.org
The Three Circles Family Church — https://www.familychurchnetwork.com/category/3-circles-gospeling-tool/
Family Church Network — https://www.familychurchnetwork.com/
Family Church on Facebook — https://m.facebook.com/FamilyChurchVillage
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