CFTROU 0158: The Power Of The Neighborhood Church: A Conversation With Pastor Andy Bramer
In our continued efforts to put a neighborhood church in a neighborhood building with a neighborhood pastor who speaks the neighborhood language in every neighborhood in South Florida, today we are joined by a special guest Pastor Andy Bramer from One Community Church in Clarksville, Indiana. Pastor Andy embedded himself in the landscape of the Clarksville schools and shaped what was happening by his involvement on the school board. This filtered into his church life and became part of a larger strategy to build a neighborhood-based and neighborhood-focused ministry. In this episode, he shares his story of when he first felt called to the ministry, how he started his own church, and how he became the pastor of One Community Church. To hear how Andy has been so successful in establishing a neighborhood church, how he stays motivated through the highs and lows of ministry, and his encouragement to other pastors who may be trying to do the same, tune in today!
Key Points:
An introduction of Pastor Andy Bramer from One Community Church in Clarksville, Indiana
Andy’s background and how he first felt called to the ministry.
How he became the pastor of One Community Church.
Andy’s strategy of neighborhood-based and neighborhood-focused ministry.
- How Andy embedded himself in the landscape of the Clarksville schools.
Why he didn’t just go to the schools but shaped what was happening in them.
How his impact on the community has translated into his church life.
Biblical support for a ministry like the one Andy has built.
- The size of Andy’s church and the benefits of smaller churches.
How Andy contextualizes the ministry he is doing to the people who live in his neighborhood.
How Andy stays motivated through the highs and lows of ministry.
- Andy’s encouragement to other pastors who may be trying to build a neighborhood church.
I wanted to know the people that I was ministering to, that I was getting to know. And one of the ways I started that was through campus ministry Click To Tweet ”I’m Click To Tweet so it’s an opportunity. It gives me inroads into meeting that family and meeting the kids in that family as well.” username=”abramer177″] ”[My Click To Tweet has enabled me to take the church beyond the four walls and to be able to meet people where they are.” username=”abramer177″] By being a smaller church, you have that opportunity where it’s easier to get that time with the pastor, get that time with your Sunday school or small group leader. Click To Tweet
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