CFTROU 0166: The Power Of The Neighborhood Church: Impacting Neighborhoods by Making Disciples with Vance Pitman
Welcome back to the Church for the Rest of Us podcast, it’s 2023 and our conference is getting closer. Don’t forget to register for the conference at churchfortherestofus.com! Today, we want to welcome a very special guest, Vance Pitman. Vance is the president of The Send Network and founding pastor of Hope Church, in Las Vegas Nevada. As you tune in to today’s discussion you’ll hear from Vance about church planting and life in Las Vegas, what it was like growing up in ministry, and his journey to vocational ministry. He shares the impactful story of how they came to plan the church in Vegas and how they focused on impacting the community. Vance is resolved to be intentional about cultivating relationships, having gospel conversations, and making disciples. Make sure not to miss out, so tune in now!
Key Points: More about Vance Pitman; a background and introduction.
•He shares about his family and life in Las Vegas.
•He talks about how he grew up in the ministry and when he came to know Christ.
•How he misunderstood and confused spiritual maturity and spiritual activity.
•He shares his journey to vocational ministry and being obedient to the Lord.
•What he was doing in ministry before starting a ministry in Las Vegas.
•He shares the story of planting the church in Las Vegas and impacting the neighborhood.
•Why we need to make use of the streams of culture/society to impact our communities.
•We discuss the power of the organizational aspect of the church.
•Vance shares advice with those who can, and want to, be an incarnational outpost to their
•A practical tip for any church planter.
•He shares the strategy they use to plant and revitalize churches.
CFTROU 0166: The Power Of The Neighborhood Church: Impacting Neighborhoods by Making Disciples with Vance Pitman Click To TweetCFTROU 0166: The Power Of The Neighborhood Church: Impacting Neighborhoods by Making Disciples with Vance Pitman Click To TweetCFTROU 0166: The Power Of The Neighborhood Church: Impacting Neighborhoods by Making Disciples with Vance Pitman Click To Tweet
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